How to upload your data to your Bloom Growth account

You can manually upload your data to your Bloom Growth account using our easy-to-use template.

To download our data upload template just follow the next steps:

  1. Click Meetings in the top menu bar.
  2. Click Edit Meeting on the gear icon button to the right of your meeting.
  3. Click the desired item from the list in the left section of your screen (Metrics, Goals, to-dos, issues) and click on the green button that says ‘Upload’ located at the right corner of the page, then on the next page click on the green button that says ‘Download Template’. 
  4. Fill the template with the information you want to upload to your Bloom Growth account and save the changes you made to the file. 

Note: Save the file in CSV format (In the Save As dialog box, navigate to the location you want, click the arrow in the Save as type box and pick the type as CSV {Comma delimited} format.).

When you have the information ready to be uploaded please follow the steps below: 

  1. Click Meetings in the top menu bar.
  2. Click Edit Meeting on the gear icon button to the right of the meeting you want to upload data into.
  3. Select the section where you want to upload your data Ex, Metrics, click the green button "Upload Metrics" (This method applies to all other sections Goals, To-dos, and Issues).
  4.  Click on where it says ‘No File chosen’, then Select the .csv file you want to upload.
  5. Click Submit, the next screen will allow you to map fields to the correct columns. 
  6. Click and drag to select the range of cells desired per built-in Bloom Growth instructions. If you need to scroll down further on your screen press your "down arrow" key on your keyboard while your selection is still clicked on until you have selected all desired cells in the column.
  7. To select dates in the Metrics, click and drag from left to right only the date ranges row. If you need to scroll further to the right of your screen press your "right arrow" key on your keyboard while your selection is still clicked on until you have selected all desired dates.
  8. You will be able to Preview your upload to make sure the data fields are mapped out correctly to Users, Metrics, Goal direction, date ranges, and weekly results. 


Please note that to successfully upload Goals, the owner/responsible needs to be an Attendee in the meeting. Also note that if the item is mapped to the wrong user, you can use the dropdown list and select the correct owner, in the case the person is not listed, you can add them to the account ( Add users).

9. Click submit, and your data is uploaded!

For additional information and video tutorials on how to upload/manage each Weekly Meeting item (Metrics, Goals, To-dos, Issues) as well how to manage the Business Plan and/or Org Chart, just click on the item name below and you will be directed to the proper article:

If you encounter an issue or need our help to upload the data we will be happy to assist you, just use this Upload Template to help organize the data and send it to

You can also follow the steps below to create a contact support ticket and send us your files:

  1. Click the question mark at the top right-hand corner. 
  2. Click the "Request a data upload" option.
  3. Enter your information (Name, last name, email address, and the date of your next Weekly Meeting)
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